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                  "Inspiration is what brings the best out of you." Inspiration is the thing that keeps you going and motivates to take the hardest challenges. Always keep yourself inspired. We can get this inspiration from anything and anywhere. Here are some inspirational quotes which will inspire you and will help to win the hardest battles with the best version of yourself.
           The direction and motivation you get, is decided by the inspiration and goal you want to achieve. The most successful man also needs inspiration to maintain continuity and hard work. The following quotes are given by some great persons. Read it once and this will surely motivate you to focus and achieve your goals.

1. "Make you life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do."

" Our life is the art that we create by our own hands." The quote tells about the we decide the direction of our life. The life we live, is the result of our work. if you want a life of your dreams, you need to work harder and harder to make the one.  

2. "Doubts kills more dreams than failure ever will."

"Don't doubt on yourself, just believe in yourself." This quotes explains about the self- confidence and courage to accept the challenges. We should always ready to take up new challenges and give our best to achieve what we want.

3. "Our character is not defined by the battles we win or lose, but by the battles we dare to fight.”

“Character defines your worth”. The above quote explains about the importance of character in life. Your character is the most important factor of your social as well as personal life. Build your character, build your class.

4. “Failure is a lesson learned. Success is a lesson applied.”

“Failure teaches you to improve yourself while success teaches you to control yourself.” Failure is the best teacher of life. It explains us what should we do when we have nothing. Success is the best examiner which explains you what you should not do while you have everything. So don’t go too low when u fail and don’t go too high when you succeed. 

5. “Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles notice them.”

“Life is all about the unexpected things.” Life gives us many unexpected happier moments which we should notice. The quote explains the same. We should live these notice happier moments and live them. 

6. “Don’t think too much. You’ll create a problem that wasn’t even there in the first place.”

“Overthinking always creates problems that don’t even exist.”  The cons of overthinking have been explained in this quote. Never think too much about a problem. It will increase the problems rather than getting the solution.

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7. “Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you.”

“Suffering and staying calm defines the mental strength.” We all need to suffer and rise. Staying calm is the most important factor in difficult situations. We all need to lose something to gain something. This is all explained in this quote.

8. “You are responsible for your happiness, if you expect others to make you happy, you will always be disappointed.”

You are the only reason for your happiness.” Happiness is always depends on you. DR.A.P.J. KALAM sir also stated the same. According to him, we should keep the expectations from ourselves and not from others.

9. “Never complain about the difficulties in life, because a director (God) always gives the hardest roles to his best actors.”

Be calm and confident in every situation. Everything happens for a reason. There is god’s plan behind every situation. We need to be positive and believe on god and face everything. The quote explains the same. So keep believing and stay positive.

10. “Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail           in second, more lips are waiting to say your first victory was just luck. 

“Continuity is the key to success.”  Continuity is the important factor for success. Without continuity we can’t grow. It is explained beautifully by sir Kalam, there are more haters rather than your loved ones. No one will praise if you succeed but everyone will talk negative when you fail. So don’t take rest keep growing.

11. “Don’t worry about hard times cause most beautiful things we have in life come from mistakes and changes.”

Mistake is the best teacher of life. We must learn from our mistakes and keep improving ourselves. Difficult situations reveal the successful stories. Learning to tackle the situation is essential. It makes you strong and wise. So don’t worry if you are in difficult situation. Just learn to deal with it.

12. “Life is a goal, achieve it.

        Life is a BEAUTY, enjoy it.

        Life is a PROBLEM, solve it.

        Life is a story, become a hero.”


Life is the most beautiful journey. Keep enjoying it. The quote speaks about the different perceptions to see the life. If it seems like a goal, try to achieve it. Enjoy the beauty of life and keep enjoying the problems too. If the life seems like a problem, try to solve it. If it is a story, become the hero of that story. 

13. “Speak only when you feel your words are better than                                the silence.”

We should know the value of our words. The quote also explains about the value of our time and words. Everyone should know their worth. Never waste your words on a fool. Not everyone deserves your replies. Keep raising with silence let the success give them a reply.

            Here are some inspirational quotes that relates with our day to day life. It will give a boost to your confidence during the ups and downs in your life. It will help you to cheering up your mood and make you feel more energetic. All these quotes teach about how we should handle the situations and how to fight back to the situations that hurts you. These quotes are given by some of the great personalities. It will surely bring the positive vibes in your life.


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